How To Become a fashionista
By sharonchyy in Style on November 14, 201731 comments
If I asked you why you would wear a $150 outfit to an occasion, you will probably reply that you want to appear elegant from the rest. It isn’t putting on the expensive clothing that stands you out, but putting on the perfect combination that will make people remember you and want to appear just like you.
If you want to become a fashionista, you need to let the simple dresses you wear and or combinations be admired and remembered by others. Becoming a fashionista primarily demands you to get the perfect eyes for the right choices of clothes colors and combining them to have impartations.
If you want to become a fashionista today!
1. Build great Confidence
2. Get Creative
Creativity is what gets a superhuman going. The creator of the universe was creative in His creation. If you are an aspiring fashionista, then getting your level of creativity to a rise is necessary. Just as you cannot fit a circle in a square, so can you not combine any color as a fashionsita.
If you want to become a recognized fashionista, it is urgent to follow certain approved patterns or sources of inspiration. These sources can include fashion shows, fashion magazines, online fashion blogs and group. Moreover, you can find inspiration from friends, who encourage you to do more or signing up for an online class. If you lack sources of inspiration, there’s no way you are going to improve in your results.
4. Be Simple
Love what you are going to wear. That’s the ultimate factor here on this point. If you love what you are wearing; so simple and attractive, no one is ever going to talk you off into putting on something rather awkward.
5. Dream Big
Fashionistas are everyday dreaming big to come out with the best and to put on what is best and evokes memory. Failure to dream big can mean that your level of aspiration and creativity are not developed enough.
6. Spend Much
Lol! You don’t want to hear this right? Sorry dear you spend On the type of clothes you purchase. A good fashionist takes a few bucks to the boutique and selects the best. They don’t care buying second hand clothes and retouching them to make them look like new.
7. cool hairstyle
Look for a unique hairstyle that works for you. You could also change your hair in different ways .Knowing your face shape is important because it will be easier for you to know which hairstyles that goes with your face shape.
8. Proper hygiene
People should know you to be a lady that smell nice by applying deodorant, body mist and cologne. Just Think about that ! Not body odor, no good looks will save you when you smell bad. A fashionista always wants to be notice with their killer sense of style, not too much makeup and remember a little goes a long way , not rough face! Treat your acne face, not excessive dressing. Invest on quality clothing’s. Too much of everything has never saved anyone.
9. Be Updated
To become an excellent fashionist, always get updated with latest fashion trends. This keeps your head up in the game. An outdated fashionist wears the keeps the pajamas on throughout the day.
What benefits can you derive from been a fashionist?
A lot! Yes, there are no limitations when it comes to becoming a fashionist. A fashionist; Mixes and matches the best outfit. Leaves a mark and can be recognize for the beautiful and intriguing selection.
* Can become a highly paid designer , have immeasurable confidence, creativity and is financially balanced.
Becoming a fashionist is never a mistake but rather, it is a rewarding opportunity to live the life you want through the clothes you wear. If you want to become a fashionist but lack confidence, creativity and inspiration, do the following: Meditate-to improve your creativity. Choose clothes colors without seeking directions from professionals and combine them your way.
Learn from the experts and do things your way, be willing to learn something new everyday.
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